Riyadh Police Arrest Abusive Saudi Prince on King Salman's Order

dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Riyadh Police have arrested a member of the Saudi royal family who abused citizens verbally and physically in a widely spread video that went viral over the past few days.

Many Saudis celebrated the news on social media as they shared leaked videos (as seen above) of what seems to be the arrest of Prince Saud 
bin Abdulaziz bin Musaed bin Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Others are praising the monarch for his strict and apparent equal treatment, regardless of birthright.

One tweet shows the prince being "booked" at the local police station. It has been shared more than a hundred times.

هذا وجه الخسيس بعد مامسكوه في عهد ابوفهد ماعنده فرق بين امير ومواطن كلهم سواسيه الله يقويه ?? http://pic.twitter.com/vl2gJnjeew
— Bdor⁸⁹ (@Bd0or5) July 19, 2017
The tweet translates ""#Salman_TheStrict_Jails_ThePrince That's the face of the villain after he was arrested. Abu Fahd (King Salman's nickname) does not discriminate between a prince and a citizen, they are all equal. God give him strength."

The arrest came at the orders of Saudi King Salman who issued an immediate warrant for Prince Saud and the imprisonment of all those involved in abusive behavior towards citizens.

The arrest order may have been brought about by disturbing footage showing abusive actions committed by Prince Saud and a number of associates that were widely spread and have triggered angry reactions. That video is believed to be the one below.

The video is violent, and shows people being verbally and physically abused. Do not watch the video below if you get upset by the sight of violence or blood.

The Saudi king's order instructs that all of the accused must be held in prison until the testimonies of all the victims as well as the accused men are heard. A court ruling must also be issued swiftly. The king's orders pointed out that the law must apply to everyone, and that equal protection of the law is granted to all, regardless of their status.

This is not the first time that a legal proceeding and verdict is swiftly and publicly taken against a member of the Saudi royal family.

Last October, Prince Turki bin Saud bin Turki bin Saud Al-Kabeer was beheaded in Riyadh for the murder of Adel bin Suleiman bin Abdulkareem Al-Muhaimeed, a fellow Saudi citizen.

Source : ArabNews

Riyadh Police Arrest Abusive Saudi Prince on King Salman's Order

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