Proposed Law Against Apple’s ‘Walled Garden’ Software Approach Sparks Fears of iPhone

vendredi 23 juin 2017

Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera [Google Translate] published a headline today that translates to “the bill that could ban the iPhone in Italy.”
The bill in question, Senate Act 2484, is aimed at ensuring Italians have open access to software, content, and services. The portion of the bill potentially relevant to Apple essentially says that users should have the right to download any software, whether proprietary or open source, on any platform.
An excerpt from Article Four of the loosely translated bill:

Quote:Users have the right to, in an appropriate format to the required technology platform […] use fair and non-discriminatory software, proprietary or open source […] content and services of their choice.
It’s well known that iOS is a walled garden, in which apps can only be distributed through the App Store, and only if developers adhere to Apple’s guidelines. The only way to download apps outside of Apple’s parameters is by jailbreaking, which is in violation of Apple’s end-user agreement.
[Image: app_store_ios_11.jpg?resize=545%2C424&ssl=1]
Naturally, there are some concerns about how the iPhone and other devices could be affected if the bill is approved, although the prospect of any Apple product being outright banned in Italy seems highly unlikely.
The bill was introduced last year by Stefano Quintarelli, an Italian entrepreneur and member of the Scelta Civica political party in Italy. The bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies in July 2016, and it now must be approved by the Senate of the Republic, within Italy’s parliamentary government.


Proposed Law Against Apple’s ‘Walled Garden’ Software Approach Sparks Fears of iPhone

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